
Cosmetic Dentistry San Francisco, CA

Cosmetic Dentistry

Are you unhappy with your smile?

Did you know? Virtually all adults (99.7%) believe a smile is an important social asset.

Dr. Nonna Volfson and her team at Trusted Dental in San Francisco offer cosmetic procedures that will improve the appearance of your teeth quickly and effectively. We can give you something to smile about using one of our cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Is a special occasion approaching so you want your smile to be at its brightest?

Whatever the reason, Tooth Whitening isn’t just for the movie stars, and it isn’t just for one day. Many people today have their teeth whitened. The desire for a brighter smile with whiter teeth is a common concern. Tooth Whitening safely lightens the color of your teeth giving your smile a youthful, stunning appearance.

What causes tooth discoloration?

As we grow older, our adult teeth gradually become darker, mainly due to changes in the mineral structure and composition of teeth. Your teeth can also become stained by eating certain kinds of foods like berries, beets, and candy. Certain beverages can also cause tooth discoloration: soda, cola, coffee, tea, and red wine. Tobacco products, both cigarettes, and chewing tobacco cause tooth discoloration.

Is tooth whitening for you?

Generally, whitening is successful in at least 90 percent of patients, though it may not be an option for everyone. Consider Tooth Whitening if your teeth are darkened from age, beverages or smoking. If you have very sensitive teeth, periodontal disease, or teeth with worn enamel, whitening may be discouraged until these other problems are resolved.

What’s involved in tooth whitening?

First, an examination will determine whether you are a candidate for Tooth Whitening and what type of whitening system will provide the best results for your teeth.

If you’re in a hurry for whiter teeth, you may decide to have your teeth lightened immediately in our office. Our office offers either an in-office whitening procedure while you sit in the dental chair. Many patients alternatively choose dentist-supervised at-home whitening, which is more economical and can provide similar results.

If you choose at-home whitening impressions will be made of your teeth to fabricate whitening tray appliances for you. The trays are custom made it fit your mouth exactly. They are lightweight so that they can be worn comfortably while you are awake or sleeping. The whitening trays are so thin you should even be able to talk and work while wearing your trays. Along with the whitening tray appliances, you’ll receive the whitening gel material and given instructions on how to apply the gel and wear the trays.

Some systems recommend whitening your teeth from two to four hours a day. Generally, this type of system requires three to six weeks to complete and works best on patients with sensitive teeth. Other systems recommend whitening at night while you sleep. This type of system usually requires only 10-14 days.

How long does tooth whitening last?

Whitening should last from one to five years, depending on your personal habits such as smoking and drinking coffee or tea. At this point, you may choose to get a touch-up. This procedure may not be as costly because you can use the same whitening trays. Re-whitening takes less time than the original treatment.

How does tooth whitening work?

The active ingredient in most of the whitening agents is 10 percent carbamide peroxide (CH4N2O2), also known as urea peroxide; when water contacts this white crystal, the release of hydrogen peroxide lightens the teeth.

Is tooth whitening safe? Any side effects?

Several studies have proven whitening to be safe and effective, and the American Dental Association has granted its seal of approval to many popular teeth whitening products. Some patients may experience slight gum irritation or tooth sensitivity, which will resolve when the treatment ends.

What results can I expect?

No one can really predict how much lighter your teeth will become. Every case is different, but typically there is a two-shade improvement as seen on a shade guide. The success rate depends upon the type of stain involved and your adherence to the prescribed regimen. Whitening does not lighten artificial materials such as resins, silicone, or porcelains restoration.

What occasions do people whiten their teeth for?

People can whiten their teeth for any occasion but some of the most popular occasions are photographs, media appearances, job interviews, reunions, weddings, graduations, proms, homecoming—or for just for a boost in self-confidence.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers

Improve the appearance of your smile with dental veneers.

Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic material bonded to the front of teeth. They require little or no anesthesia, and can be the ideal choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth. They can mask discolorations, brighten teeth, and improve a smile. Highly resistant to permanent staining from coffee, tea, or even cigarette smoking, the wafer-thin porcelain veneers can achieve a tenacious bond to the tooth, resulting in an esthetically pleasing naturalness.

When would you recommend a porcelain veneer?

Porcelain veneers are an excellent alternative to crowns in many situations. They provide a much more conservative approach to changing a tooth’s color, size, or shape. Porcelain veneers can mask undesirable defects, such as teeth stained by tetracycline, by an injury, or as a result of a root-canal procedure, and are ideal for masking discolored fillings in front teeth. Patients with gaps between their front teeth or teeth that are chipped or worn may consider porcelain veneers.

Generally, veneers will last for many years, and the technique has shown remarkable longevity when properly performed.

What happens during the procedure?

Patients need three appointments for the entire procedure: diagnosis and treatment planning, preparation, and bonding.

Diagnosis and treatment planning: It’s critical that you take an active role in the smile design. Spend time in the decision-making and planning of the smile. Understand the corrective limitations of the procedure. Have more than one consultation, if necessary, to feel comfortable about your objectives.

Preparation of teeth: This appointment will take from one to two hours. The teeth are lightly buffed to allow for the small added thickness of the veneer. Usually, about half a millimeter of the tooth is removed. At this appointment, a mold is taken and sent to the laboratory for the fabrication of the veneers. This can take about one to two weeks.

Bonding of veneers: This appointment will take about one to two hours. First, the veneers are placed on the teeth to check their fit and get a sense of the shade or color. While the veneers are resting on your teeth, view the esthetic results, and pay particular attention to the color. At this point, the color of the veneers can still be adjusted with the shade of the cement to be used. The color cannot be altered after veneers are cemented. To apply the veneer, the tooth is cleansed with specific chemicals to achieve a bond. Once a special cement is sandwiched between the veneer and tooth, a visible light beam initiates the release of a catalyst to harden the cement.

How about maintenance?

For about a week or two, you will go through a period of adjustment as you get used to your “new” teeth that have been changed in size and shape. Brush and floss daily. After one or two weeks, you’ll return for a follow-up appointment.

Have realistic expectations

Porcelain veneers are reasonable facsimiles of natural teeth, not perfect replacements. It’s not uncommon to see slight variations in the color of porcelain veneers upon close inspection, as this occurs even in natural teeth. Nevertheless, this procedure can greatly enhance your smile and can heighten inner satisfaction and self-esteem.

All Cosmetic Services

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Replace your old amalgam fillings with composite ones.

If you are looking for a simple and effective way to improve your smile, consider the option of replacing your old, amalgam (silver-mercury) fillings with new, composite resin, tooth-colored fillings. Not only are amalgam fillings dark in color, but these old fillings have also raised health concerns based on the mercury they contain.

No more metal smile.

Our office uses only the newest materials that are cosmetically superior and that have been proven safe and strong. We can remove your old fillings and replaced them with new tooth-colored restorations in only one single, short appointment. There is no reason not to enjoy a new, aesthetically restored smile, so visit our office or contact us for a consultation on tooth-colored fillings.


Repair defects and gaps in your teeth.

We can use a tooth-like substance to change tooth shape or color, increase the size if you have gaps, or repair a defect. Bonding is a multi-layered process in which durable, enamel-like composite plastic is applied to the tooth, then exposed to a special light to harden or “cure” the bond. The results can be miraculous.

Is bonding painful?

Since very little tooth structure is reduced— minimal drilling—bonding is often performed without anesthetic. The process is conservative—we leave most of your natural tooth undisturbed.

Do bonded teeth stain or discolor?

Bonding material stains similarly to the normal tooth structure. So it may show coffee and tobacco stains just like your natural enamel does.

Does a bonded tooth require extra care?

You should avoid biting into hard things such as ice cubes, candy or other hard foods. Chewing on pens, pencils or other objects can damage bonded teeth. Longevity depends on many factors, including proper home care, diet, and chewing habits.

How long does bonding take?

Most bonding procedures are completed in one visit. The length of the visit varies according to the procedure.

We’ve bonded teeth for many patients who otherwise would have to live with teeth that were less than desired. Please give us a call at (415) 349-5109 if you have any questions or, visit our contact page to request an appointment.

Gum Lift

Reshaping your gums to rejuvenate your smile!

Your gums are the frame for your teeth and can enhance or detract from your appearance. When considering any procedure in cosmetic dentistry, it’s important to evaluate the surrounding gum tissue.

Do you show too much gum when you smile? Or do you think your teeth seem very short?
Most people think that gum surgery is needed only when the advanced disease is present. However, even in otherwise healthy mouths, surgery can be an adjunct to enhancing cosmetic restorations. Excess gum tissue can be surgically removed so that pleasing tooth contours can be created.

The same is true when teeth are uneven in length. If gum tissue has receded from a tooth, the root surface is exposed. The tissue can be replaced by a grafting procedure that serves to protect the exposed tooth structure, as well as enhancing the beauty of your new restoration.

Anesthesia for gum lifts

Gum surgery procedures are performed in the office using local anesthesia and rarely cause time lost from work. So don’t hesitate to have the smile you want. You’ll be amazed at what we can do for you!